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Glossary of Terms - W
An intentional twist in the wing, causing the wing tips to have a lower angle of attack than the wing root. In other words, the trailing edge is higher than the leading edge at the wing tips. Washout helps prevent tip stalls. Wheelbase is the distance between the front and rear axles of your car This is the amount of weight per square foot that has to be overcome to provide lift. It is normally expressed in ounces per square foot. This specification can be easily calculated as follows: If you know the square inches of the wing, simply divide by 144 to obtain square feet. Divide the total weight (in ounces) of the airplane by the wing area (in square feet). This information is valuable when deciding on which airplane to build next. Planes with high wing loading numbers must fly faster to stay in the air. These are generally "performance" airplanes. Conversely, planes with lower numbers do not need as much air flowing around the wing to keep it flying. Gliders and trainer airplanes fall into this category because slow, efficient flight is desirable. Page last updated: October 08, 2015 Content Copyright 2015, Knife Edge Software and Great Planes. Web design Copyright 2001-2015, Knife Edge Software. RealFlight Software is Copyright 1997-2015, Knife Edge Software. Microsoft, Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP/Vista/7 and DirectX are trademarks of the Microsoft Corp. Intel and Pentium are trademarks of the Intel Corp. Software Distributed Exclusively by:Great Planes Model Distributors P.O. Box 9021; Champaign, IL 61826-9021 For more information or product support, email rfsupport@greatplanes.com Go to HOME page |