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Checking Software Version
Applies To RealFlight 6 Answer The software version or ‘build’ will appear as: x.xx.xxx; 2.00.240 is one such example. There are several methods which may be utilized to determine the software version (or build) that you are running. The method utilized depends upon which software you are running as well as personal preference. For RealFlight G3, G4, G5 and 6, double click the RealFlight Launcher on the desktop. The version number may be found at the top right hand corner of the Launcher screen. For RealFlight G2 or RealRace G2, access the RealFlight Control Panel (or RealRace Control Panel). To do so, click on the Windows Start menu, select Program/RealFlight/RealFlight Control Panel. The version number may be found at the top of the Control Panel. Alternately, run your RealFlight, R/C Pilot or RealRace software and click on the Help menu, select About. The version number will be located approximately half-way down on the About screen. Content Copyright 2015, Knife Edge Software and Great Planes. Web design Copyright 2001-2015, Knife Edge Software. RealFlight Software is Copyright 1997-2015, Knife Edge Software. Microsoft, Windows 95/98/2000/ME/XP/Vista/7 and DirectX are trademarks of the Microsoft Corp. Intel and Pentium are trademarks of the Intel Corp. Software Distributed Exclusively by:Great Planes Model Distributors P.O. Box 9021; Champaign, IL 61826-9021 For more information or product support, email rfsupport@greatplanes.com Go to HOME page |